CFI Outdoor Adventures: Fishing, Hunting, & Bucket-List Trips

While more of a "sub-genre" due to being a mix of "Fitness" and "Fun", Outdoor Adventures (really adventuring in general) form a significant part of CFI and are worthy of having their own page. Currently consisting of only a few videos, this is a sub-genre with a lot of potential for growth and furthered expansion!


My Dad got me HOOKED on fishing!

I've been fishing as long as I can remember, and it was my father that got me "hooked" on this sport! Fishing is just a great, positive way to spend time together with others while also enjoying and learning about nature. However, my favorite part about fishing is the mystery of the water, along with the never-ending quest to catch another slammer!

Young Chase Trout Fishing Even at a young age I was a FEARLESS angler! Just look at those rapids! Chase Fishing on the Ocean Blue

Even at a young age I was a FEARLESS angler! Just look at those rapids!


The goal of every angler is to catch big, RARE fish! I've caught a few fish that could thus be termed a "slammer", such as my first (and still only) Palomino along with my 20" Rainbow!"

My First Palomino! My First Palomino! My biggest far! My biggest far!

The Pine Creek Trout Tournament

Trout have always fascinated me, so most (but not all!) of my time spent fishing is spent angling for them. One yearly tradition that my father and I have is our annual trip to the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon's "Pine Creek". PA's version of the Colorado River, this challenging body of water is home to a yearly trout derby that we've participated in for over a decade. The memories and moments we've had while on (and around...and traveling to!) the Pine are priceless and definitely worthy of their own section on this page!

Young Chase on the Pine! Less Young Chase on the Pine! Very Recent Chase on the Pine! George and Chase on the Pine! 14 Pine Creek Badges! My Oldest and Newest Badges!

My father and I talked for years about how we just had to "yak" the Pine, and it took many years to get the logistics right but we finally did back in 2016. And did we ever....we kayaked a stretch of water over 12 miles long in one day! This was a big check-mark on both of our bucket-lists!"

Chase Kayaing on the Pine! Chase Kayaing on the Pine! My father kayaking the Pine! Water in my yak! Almost at the end! I made it all the way to the end! So did my dad! A Map Showing the Journey!

Native Wild Brook Trout

Growing up I always wanted to believe that there were trout on my property's stream, and I vividly remember having dreams about slammers and palominos, or even just little native trout residing within. Then oneday, it happened. While fishing in my backyard stream for chubs, I caught the most amazing little native brookie I had ever seen. It was early Fall, so the brookie had this vibrant orange and green coloraton as it prepared to spawn. I released the fish and hurried back home to tell my family, but no one believed me. For some reason sharing the fact that there were native brook trout in our little stream turned me into the boy who cried "trout". Nevertheless, I was DETERMINED to prove everyone wrong, so I spent months planning on how to do so. And how would one do this, you ask? Well, by making a VIDEO of course! I thus prepared to catch another one the upcoming spring, and while it was quite the CHALLENGE my persistent nature guided me to VICTORY!


One who fishes must hunt as well, right? You know it! I also hunt, and while I have not done as much hunting as I'd like I have had some success. That elusive buck still tops my list of trophies to get, but I have at least one doe to my name thus far!

Chase's first Doe!

Bucket-List Trips

I don't really do much traveling, and I've so far only been to a couple of states. Maybe someday I'll get more into traveling, but I've been to a couple of interesting places that are "bucket-list trip" worthy. I've always loved sports, and growing up one thing I always wanted to do was see a Phillies game. Back in April of 2016 I finally got to do this when I saw the Phillies play the Nationals.

Phillies! We won in extra innings! The other arena I've been in! Look at that sky-line!

I've also seen the Sixers (on AI's HOF Night!), Flyers (twice, one a playoff win!), and Eagles (twice, one versus Brian Dawkins when he was on the Broncos) play live. Growing up I was a big Philadelphia sports fan, but now I mainly root for the teams with my favorite players (such as TB12 and the Pats!)

AI was in the house! Sixers! Flyers VS Devils! Flyers Rink! Flyers VS Red Wings! Eagles!

I was also once in Orlando, Florida for my sister's wedding. I had always wanted to visit Orlando, and I had quite the adventure while I was there!

Chase in O-Town! Chase looking like a model!

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